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Huijing Zhao

Time:2019-04-12    Click:
职称 Professor 研究领域 Intelligent Sensing Technologies, Sensor Technologies, Intelligent Vehicles and Mobile Robots, Intelligent Transportation.
办公电话 86-10-6275 7458 电子邮件 zhaohj@cis.pku.edu.cn
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办公电话:86-10-6275 7458




1996.10—1999.09: 东京大学工学系研究科社会基础专业、博士课程、获博士学位

1994.10—1996.09: 东京大学工学系研究科土木工程专业、硕士课程、获硕士学位

1987.09—1991.07: 北京大学计算机科学系软件专业、本科、学术学位




1. H.Zhao, C.Wang, Y.Lin, F.Guillemard, S.Geronimi, F.Aioun, On-road Vehicle Trajectory Collection and Scene-based Lane Change Analysis: Part I, IEEE Trans on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(1), 192-205, 2017.

2. W.Yao, Q.Zeng, Y.Lin, D.Xu, H.Zhao, F.Guillemard, S.Geronimi, F.Aioun, On-road Vehicle Trajectory Collection and Scene-based Lane Change Analysis: Part II, IEEE Trans on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(1), 206-220, 2017.

3. J.Mei, Y.Yu, H.Zhao, H.Zha, Scene-adaptive Off-road Detection Using a Monocular Camera, IEEE Trans on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017.

4. C.Wang, Y.Fang, H.Zhao, C.Guo, S.Mita, H.Zha, Probabilistic Inference for Occluded and Multiview On-road Vehicle Detection, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17(1), 215 – 229, 2016.

5. Zhao,H., Sha,J., Zhao,Y., Cui,J., Zha,H., Shibasaki,R., Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects at Intersections using a Network of Laser Scanners, IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation System, vol. 13, no.2, 655-670, 2012.


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目负责人),路面车辆行为分析与情境理解,61573027,2016.1-2019.12

2. 国家自然科学基金与法国国家科研署合作研究项目(项目负责人),基于多模态信息融合的智能车感知技术的跨国界研究,61161130528, 2012-2014

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目负责人),面向室外复杂动态场景的三维同时定位定向与地图创建的研究,60975061,2010.1-2012.12

4. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目(子课题负责人),无人驾驶车辆智能行为综合测试环境设计与测评体系研究,90920304,2010.1-2012.12

5. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(项目负责人),基于分布式多种传感器融合的交叉口交通数据的自动获取,2007AA11Z225, 2007-2009

6. 法国标致雪铁龙PCA-PKU开放实验室项目(负责人),基于多模态传感器环境感知的驾驶行为建模与理解研究,2012.11-2019.12。


1. First Prize at Valeo Innovation Challenge 2015. (Project title “Visual - based On-road Vehicle Detection and Tracking through Online Road Structure Understanding”, Team FalconView leaded by Yongkun Fang)

2. The Okawa Fundation Research Grant,Semantic Mapping of Dynamic Environment, 2011.3.

3. Most Influential Paper Over The Decade Award, by IAPR Conference on Machine Vision and Application, 2009. (Zhao, H., Shibasaki, R., Reconstruction Textured Urban 3D Model by Fusing Ground-Based Laser Range Image and CCD Image, IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Application, 1998)

4. Best Poster Award, by IEEE Pacific Vis, 2009. (Sha, J., Zhao, H., Cui, J., Zha, H., Sensing and Visualization of a Dynamic Scene using a Network of Laser Scanners and Video Cameras, Poster Presentation, IEEE Pacific Vis, 2009)


1. 中国自动化学会车辆控制与智能化专业委员会委员

2. 中国人工智能学会智能驾驶专业委员会委员

3. 中国机器人运动工作委员会委员

4. Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Vehicle

5. Associate Editor of IROS2017、IV2017、ICRA2012

6. Reviewer of IEEE Trans. IV、IEEE Trans. ITS,IV、ITSC、ICRA、IROS


Address: No. 5, Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing Feedback: its@pku.edu.cn

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